Bodhi Day Service – Dec 15th

Sunday – December 15th  –  10:30 am with Reverend Dr. Takashi Miyaji, from the Tacoma Buddhist Temple.

Bodhi Day is the day Buddhists celebrate the Buddha’s Enlightenment. According to tradition, Buddha (Siddhartha) had forsaken years of extreme ascetic practices and he resolved to sit under a Pipul tree and simply meditate until he found the root of all suffering, and how to liberate one’s self from it.

Rev. Takashi Miyaji has been a minister of the Tacoma Buddhist Temple since December of 2017. He was born in Ogden, Utah, and grew up in Los Angeles, California. He has graduated from the University of California at Berkeley with a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Japanese language and literature. He also attended the Institute of Buddhist Studies at Berkeley, California and received a Master’s in Buddhist Studies; Ryukoku University in Kyoto, Japan with a Master’s Degree in Shin Buddhist Studies; and completed the doctoral coursework at Ryukoku University. He specializes in the areas of Japanese Buddhism and religion, translation of Buddhist scripture, and Jodo Shinshu doctrine and ethics. Takashi has received his Tokudo and Kyoshi qualifications at the Honpa Hongwanji school located in Kyoto, Japan. He is currently working on his dissertation on Shin Buddhist ethics.

****Service Followed by a POTLUCK Lunch*****