Dharma School

We currently do not have Dharma School for kids. We are looking for additional Dharma School Teachers.

Dharma School Overview
Is for Ages 4 to 11

Currently, we have Dharma School on the last Sunday of the month with our Dharma School Teacher, Lena. If you are interested in leading Dharma School on one or more Sundays a month, contact our Minister Assistants.

Dharma School during services for children to relax, learn and enjoy!

Welcome to the Spokane Buddhist Temple! We offer a half hour class time for children ages generally 4-11 years old during the services.

Children are invited to attend our Dharma School time during the service, usually after the reading of the Golden Chain near the beginning of our service.

Our classes include temple etiquette lessons, a short guided meditation time, a dharma school lesson based on Buddhist teachings and holidays, and sometimes we have a craft or activity relating to the lesson.

Classes are taught by dedicated volunteer teachers and assistants. There are generally one or two adults for each Dharma School session.

Each week please sign your child in before the service and out at the end of the service, and make note if your child has any food allergies or medical conditions we should be aware of, as we might have snacks at the end of our time together.

We welcome and encourage parents, guardians, and/or older siblings to join us anytime. 

Help support our Dharma School with…
eScrip Registration!

Register for our eScrip program to help support our Dharma School. Up to 5% of your purchases with your Yoke’s Fresh Market Community Card, or with participating credit card merchants, will come back to the temple.

The information on this form will be emailed to us. We will then register you at eScrip’s website.

If you are not comfortable with sending this information through our website, you can email this information to us directly (SpokaneBuddhistTemple@gmail.com), give us your information on paper at the temple, or sign up at eScrip’s Secure website: https://secure.escrip.com/signup/index.jsp (Search for Spokane Buddhist Temple).

For more information about eScrip, please visit their website.

Thank you for your interest and participation.

Dharma School – Jr. YBA (Ages 10+) – Inactive

Update: We are currently looking for a YBA Teacher and this group is currently inactive.