Rev. Kodo Umezu, Bishop Retires

After 47 years of dedicated ministry and service to the Buddhist Churches of America, Rev. Kodo Umezu, Bishop of the Buddhist Churches of America, retired from the BCA ministry on March 31, 2020. Prior to assuming the position of Bishop and Superintendent of the Hongwanji-ha North America District in 2012, Rev. Umezu served as the resident minister at the Fresno Betsuin Buddhist Temple, Los Angeles Hompa Hongwanji Buddhist Temple, and the Buddhist Church of Oakland. Additionally, Rev. Umezu also served as the Director of the BCA Center for Buddhist Education, and Chancellor of the Institute of Buddhist Studies.

It is with the deepest gratitude and appreciation for his devoted service to the BCA and to the propagation of the Nembutsu teaching that we extend our best wishes to Rev. & Mrs. Umezu. We wish them well in their retirement.

Beginning today (April 1, 2020), Reverend Marvin Harada begins his tenure as Bishop of the Buddhist Churches of America and Superintendent of the Hongwanji-ha North America District.