**See the April Newsletter for links to streamed services***
Many of the Temples are live streaming their services. Watch local services or explore the dharma being shared at temples and churches throughout the United States. By visiting a temple’s live-stream video page at the scheduled time, you are able to join service, chant and sing along, and listen to dharma messages from your home. Check temple websites to confirm weekly live stream schedules, as services may not be streamed every Sunday. Temples may also offer recordings of recent services or dharma talks, with many now posting new content on a weekly basis. We recommend you stream one of these services on Sunday.
The links to all of the services is on the Buddhist Churches of America site at: https://www.buddhistchurchesofamerica.org (click on the logo at the bottom of the page)
For example, you can see and hear these service at the Seattle Betsuin or the Tacoma Buddhist Temple at 10 am on Sunday and they are saved for later viewing:
Seattle Betsuin youtube.com/seattlebuddhisttemple
Tacoma Buddhist Temple youtube.com/channel/UCSjeUsyIkbG_e74q-CM1Sig
Oregon Buddhist Temple youtube.com/user/OregonBuddhistTemple