Order Your Traditional Mochi by 12/20/20

Order Your Traditional Mochi For New Years 

4 Pieces/Order – By Donation (Min. $5)
***Order by Sunday December 20th***
Pick up on Sunday, December 27th  –  11:30 am – 1 pm 

Reservations Required  –  Limited # Being Made
Email: SpokaneBuddhistTemple@gmail.com
Fundraising for our Minister’s Education

This is a Japanese New Year’s Tradition. Around the start of the New Year, many Japanese households will take part in the annual tradition of mochitsuki, the pounding of rice to make mochi. Mochi, also called a rice cake, is pounded sweet rice that can be eaten in a sweet or savory dish.

Some ideas of what to do with your mochi. Crumble or cube this mochi and add it to:
Miso soup. A typical recipe is 4 cups water or broth, 3 tablespoons miso paste, 8 ounces tofu cubed, sliced green onions for garnish, and (optional) 2 teaspoons dashi granules (dried seaweed & bonita). Boil the broth, add the miso and tofu and cook for 2-3 minutes; add the green onions as garnish.
Ozoni Soup (a thick soup usually eaten on New Year’s Day). Nearly every prefecture in Japan has a different version of Ozoni or Zoni Soup. It could contain tofu, have a miso base, and also contain a variety of meats and vegetables.
Hot Udon noodle soup (made with thick wheat flour noodles).
Or you could toast the mochi and top it with a sweet or savory topping, or add it to any other dish.