Tues Passage Meditation

A group using our Temple:

Passage Meditation Group

Tuesday evenings. We are focusing on Sri Easwaran’s form of passage meditation and his 8-Point Program for daily living. This form of meditation fits with our Buddhist as well as any spiritual path. Passage meditation was designed specifically for the Western “monkey mind.” It is a very disciplined approach to slowing down and focusing. It is difficult, but very rewarding! We are currently studying an Easwaran book. Please read Sri Easwaran’s book –Passage Meditation – that can be found on the web at easwaran.org – then practice meditating for a month before joining our group. More information: call Mary Naber: 509-570-6876. Also, “Learn to Meditate” on the web: http://www.easwaran.org/introductory-passage-meditation-course-introduction.html